Tuesday, November 18, 2008

quite the essay.

i was reading this book for school which, i am still reading and will be for quite some time, and it devoted a whole paragraph to the time in life when a child realizes that adults are not always right and often are just as confused as you are and it used an analogy about the god in your head crashing but i don't like or believe in that one so i have decided that it is like when your little balloon that you got for your birthday suddenly runs out of helium and doesn't float any more and you still play with it, then that sad day comes when you realize that you can't play with it anymore or your mother takes it from you and throws it away. That happened to me recently not exactly like that but you get my drift. you see this person i have been through quite a bit with and always thought of as a firm believer and a stand up for what is right kind of person. didn't stand up for their believes and another few actually tore down someone else' belief whom they know in the long run is right or i do at least. they had no biblical backing and they didn't want to hear the truth or really try the best ways to resolve the issue. they simply went with their assumptions and ran. now don't get me wrong I'm sure they firmly believe that they are right. at least they appear to. the first person in the story did nothing of the sorts and is really just following orders which i can not condemn. and truly i can not condemn the others either. their behavior is going to drive me insane but there is nothing i personally can do because they wouldn't listen to me if i tried. so i say all that to say this.

1. don't believe everything you hear
2. if you truly wanna know whats going on go.
3. don't worry so much about what people are going to think Jesus was an outcast.
4. when life gives you water plant a rose garden. =]

I love you all and i hope you know who you are and don't assume your someone your not. welp gotsta get my sleep on tootaloo! =]