Wednesday, August 20, 2008

here we go.

macdaddy keeps asking me whats wrong. and well here we go. im not really going to say exactly whats wrong but i will tell you why i havent really shared much about it. if you read one post that said:

"today was not the best day in my high school career and im okay with that i wasent as bummed out as i thought i was i actually was oober nice even though i was incredibly not happy. i thought it was cool that i wasent even thinking about being nice or what to do it just kina happened and i realized later that was all God...i myself am big on challenges most things if you tell me i am not capable of doing something i have to prove you wrong. on most things not if you said for example bet you cant run six miles i would just agree with you. but i think that if people really saw God's love then that would over power the easy factor and just make it that much cooler. so lets show God's love shall we?? love you all! night."

well while i was typing that a voice in my head said "its going to be alot harder now." and i just said umm kay then He said "he's watching you type this and is going to make it harder." (second he being satan.)which of course creeped me out i mean come on you would be creeped out by that too. i always knew he was there but that confirmed it. so that is what he is doing. but me and God are buliding trust in everyday things not just the "big" stuff like you know my life and money and such. for example the other night i was the only one up in my room and few people know im real scared of what goes bump in the night you could say and i didnt want to do something i had to like walk by my closet or turn my back on my shower, something like that. and God told me to trust him and i stood straight up and did whichever it was and went and laid down face down without a worry of something getting my back and He said thats my girl and i was soo proud of myself for trusting him to save me and i was proud he was proud. then we were performing our skit and i was at the alter kneeling waiting for "Jesus" to come and raise Melia from the "dead" and i thought my shirt was coming up and exposing my back and He said "its not dont move you'll draw attention to yourself." so i didnt for a good minute then i checked (this was b4 the bumbs in the night) so i was not proud. but were dealin. i feel bad because satan is attacking my friends and that affects me more than him attacking me which he knows apparently. but yeah the bathtub is about to over flow so i will ttyl*!! love you all!!

*that means Talk To Ya'll Later momma B!! haha

3 chits:

Jacob said...

Go read my new blog.

Brenda said...
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Brenda said...

I got the "ttyl" thank you very much. HAHA. Satan attacks all the time and God is allowing him to, just remember, God will not ever give you more than you can handle. Tell Satan to get behind you. Those that are working for the kingdom will be attacked. I love you and continue to press forward. We wil meet Saturday at 5pm. See you then.