Sunday, July 20, 2008

were soarin flyin!!

so i have been in this real big slump lately about life and such and i decided to read my letters from crysallis and i came across the one from my uncle and he wrote me a poem because he is amazing like that and i couldnt help it when i was reading i was putting a tune to it in my head and i have decided to call him and see if i can make it into a song! i also really want him to write songs for me cuz he is obber cool like that. then i read my daddy's and his made me cry!(every time!) then i read one from my g-ma who i havent really spent much time talking to and she put her email adress on there so i emailed her! i am sooooooooooo excited about it!! well needless to say the slump is over!! love you all!! fly with christ!

1 chits:

Brenda said...

A wonderful thing to do. Never throw out those letters. God uses them to pick me up sometimes as well. They are a gift, treasure them. Love you.