so some of you know about the horrible stomach pains ive been having off and on for about a year. well i went to the doctor yesterday and he thinks i have too much acid in my stomach or golstones so i had to go get a sonagram and blood work done. oh yeah and i was supposed to urinate in a jar but that didn't work out so i had to carry around this bag that said hazardous waste on it with a jar of nothing until i could fill it up. it was intense let me tell you! anyway so i was watching the sonagram thing this morning and me and mommy think that we saw holes in my stomach lining! ahh! but hey everything happens for a reason!(thats what i learned at youth last night!) so we took tests and hopefully will get results soon! School is out because of the swine flu. That means i have a five day weekend before my birthday! yeah! man now im watching that little miss pagent show and i really like this one little girl because she absolutely loves what she does. she is ten and she has won over 100 crowns! crazy! she makes up 85 percent her own routines and picks the fabric for her outfits and the styles for her hair. welp Melia wants to show me her baby bird that she rescued this morning. Have fun!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
birds and bellies
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
so i am officially buckling down and studying for the soon to come ap tests! my birthday is next monday!! May 4th!! yay! so i decided to really studya nd do all my homework so i got home and i started to do my essay homework and i realized that it wasent in that book when i couldn't find it! so i looked on the website to see if it was a link but it wasen't so i must now get the book before school that i presume it is in and do it at break! yeah! Muscial was this weekend and a big hit! everyone who went loved it! best line from the musical:
"The only difference between you and a bucket of crap is.. is the bucket!"
welp i must go write a well thought out paragraph about a horrible passage. love you guys! any fun bday party ideas let me know!! =]
Monday, April 13, 2009
so i was sitting half way in my car with all my school stuff when i got home today (at nine twenty -long day-) and i was listening to the relient k song that i am pretty sure is playing as of now and it was at the part where it says "never underestimate my Jesus when the world around you crumbles He will be strong." i was of course singing along and this soft wind blew into my car and it felt like a big hug it was the most comforting breeze ive ever felt let me tell you! =] neway me and God are currently working to regain our relationship and i am truly excited! love you all, night.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
pray for health please!!!! my stomach is killin me (lotsa candy though hehe) love you guys! however my optimism is coming back!! =] yeah! MUSICAL THIS WEEKEND!!!! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHT!! mommaB: i better see five seats taken up with Reeks booties! haha love you all! bye!! =]
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
No Difference Between the Lies and Compliments.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
heart booboos.
i have been drifting so far and now He has said okay that is quite far enough can you come back now? i miss you. so i am quickly being carried back to the table and this song describes my life at this moment. He loves me when i reject Him. He mops me up when i get squished. He calms me down when im having anger issues. He gives me a band-aid and some neosporin for the inside cuts and scraps i get everyday and scar removal for the not so little things. He loves me more than i can fathom and i do not deserve and can not repay one bit, but i can love Him as much as physically possible. love you guys. listen to my new playlist? =] you can skip the ones that are old. oh yeah i am driving to everywhere now!! exciting!! =D